Digital Water Protection Forum of the Environmental Organisations
Near-natural water balance and nature-based solutions - thinking the landscape from the water perspective
Digital Water Protection Forum of Environmental Organisations on Friday, 17 November 2023
Fieldtrip at the 'Untere Mulde' nature reserve in Dessau for the 2019 Forum
Extreme weather events have increased significantly in recent years. Periods of drought and heavy precipitation events lead to problems that we should counteract especially by improving the landscape water balance with nature-based solutions.
What is now the talk of the town sponge concept in urban areas is still far too little discussed for the natural retention of water in the landscape. In times of climate crisis, nature-based solutions are primarily needed that simultaneously offer ecological, social and economic benefits and contribute to resilience at the landscape level. However, such approaches have hardly reached large scales in the field yet. Approaching a nature-based water balance is anchored as a goal in the National Water Strategy and means strengthening water retention in ecosystems, mitigating the effects of floods and droughts, improving material retention through wetlands and using cooling effects. What is in danger of falling by the wayside in the public discussion is the water demand of the ecosystems themselves. Without water, the functioning of the natural balance cannot be guaranteed.
What: Digital Water Protection Forum of Environmental Organisations "Near-natural water balance and nature-based solutions - thinking the landscape from the water perspective".
When: Friday, 17 November 2023 | 13:00 - 16:30 (admission 12:30).
Followed by a river film evening from 17:00 onwards
Where: Digital (You will receive the access data by e-mail a few days before the event after prior registration).
The Water Protection Forum 2023, organised by the environmental organisations DNR, BUND, WWF, DUH and NABU, will be followed from 5 p.m. by a digital river film evening organised in cooperation with WWF and the Living Rivers Foundation. Separate registration is not necessary. The film evening will be offered in the same online room. You are cordially invited to attend. The River Film Evening at the Water Protection Forum is funded by the European Open Rivers Programme.
The event is free of charge.
On the registration form you will find the event-related information on data protection and data processing, to which you agree with your registration.
Please register for the event using the form below by 16 November 2023. If you have any questions about the content and procedure of the Forum, please do not hesitate to contact Ms Maria Buzhor
Registration at:
Here is the programme of the river film evening
Open Rivers - River Film Evening of the Living Rivers Foundation in cooperation with WWF Germany- Draft programme
17:00 Welcome by Michael Bender (Living Rivers Foundation)
17:05 Dam Removal - More Space for Austria's Rivers 11'52''
17:17 Weir Removal: Pegnitz becomes a "River Liberator Community" 2'30
17:20 Talk with Sigrun Lange (WWF) about the Flussbefreier - competition and with Susanne Bauer (city councillor in Pegnitz) about the weir removal on the river Pegnitz
Info about the Open Rivers programme
17:30 Trailer Voda - Water lost and returned / Sumava National Park 1'56
Patagonia ProtectOcean FilmSeries Global sizzle 1'49
Slide: Patagonia petition to stop bottom trawling in coastal areas.
17:35 Talk with Theresa Schiller WWF and Antonio Rohrsen (Patagonia) on the international agenda to protect rivers and coasts.
Closing film:
17:40 The Custodians (seagrass meadow protection and reintroduction in Scotland) 17'30
18:00 End of the Open River Film Festival on the Water Protection Forum
River Film Festival at the Oder
Film and discussion evening as part of the Oder Festival - a project by Global Water Dances.
Venue: KuNaKu, Fliederweg 1, 16428 Oderberg
Choose your own ending: Restoring nature in Europe
Film screening and discussion on the EU Nature Restoration Law in the European Parliament in Brussels
Film selection provided by Living Rivers Foundation
Help us with your signature, write to your MEP and support the EU Nature Restoration Law: #restorenature
When: Wednesday 24th of May, 18:00 - 20:00
Where: European Parliament, Room: SPINELLI 5G1
As part of the #RestoreNature Campaign, together with MEP Cesar Luena, MEP Maria Soraya Rodriguez Ramos and MEP Jutta Paulus, we invite you to attend the documentary screening and discussion on the Nature Restoration Law
The EU Nature Restoration Law proposal represents a huge opportunity to tackle the biodiversity and climate crises. Nature Restoration brings immense benefits for our health, wellbeing, community, can be our biggest ally in addressing and adapting to the climate crisis and also secure sustainable food and livelihoods.
The #RestoreNature Campaign, created by Birdlife Europe, the European Environmental Bureau, WWF, ClientEarth and joined by more than 200 NGOs, has the overarching objective of reaching the adoption of a strong Nature Restoration Law by the end of 2023, by demonstrating the benefits of nature restoration.
In the light of the current discussion around the Nature Restoration Law, join us for an exchange on the role of restoration in Europe and the impact that this law could bring in the EU.
Opening remarks will be delivered by MEP César Luena, MEP María Soraya Rodríguez Ramos and MEP Jutta Paulus.
There will be two sessions of documentary screening provided and introduced by Michael Bender from Living Rivers Foundation
The each sessions will be followed by a panel discussion with:
Jutta Paulus, Member of the European Parliament (The Greens)
Kris Decleer, Co-founder and member of Board of Directors of the ‘Society for Ecological Restoration Europe’
Ariel Brunner, Regional Director of Birdlife Europe and Central Asia
Sommer Ackermann, Environmental activist and projector coordinator at Luontoliitto (The Finnish Nature Association)
Luisa Samarelli, Deputy Head of Unit – Nature conservation DG Environment, European Commission
Carolyn Jewell, Biodiversity and Natural Resources Senior Manager, Environmental Social Governance (ESG) AKA – Global head of biodiversity for Heidelberg Materials
Closing remarks
Please note that the registration list for those who don't have a European Parliament badge has been closed.
Organised by
1st Main Riverfilmfest
Greeting by Michael Bender of the Living Rivers Foundation
1st Main River film fest in March 2023
In 2023, a river film festival is to take place on the Main for the very first time. And not just in one city, but in several cinemas along the course of the river from its source to its mouth. In this way, it will become clear that the Main River connects people over 500 km and is our common responsibility.
The 1st Main FlussFilmFest will be organised in March 2023 by Flussparadies Franken e.V. and Netzwerk Main in cooperation with the Living Rivers Foundation and other partners. It is sponsored by the Bavarian State Ministry of Finance and Home Affairs. The opening will take place on 14 March, the International Day of Action against Dams and for Rivers, Water and Life (World Dam Day) in Bayreuth. The final event will be a matinee in Frankfurt am Main on 26 March. An international selection of environmental and outdoor short films will be shown.
The events will take place on:
Tuesday, 14 March at franz & gloria- Bayreuth
Wednesday, 15 March at the Neue Filmbühne- Lichtenfels
Friday, 17 March at the Odeon/Lichtspiel- Bamberg
Friday, 17 March at the Roxy- Kitzingen
Saturday, 18 March at Central im Bürgerbräu- Würzburg
Saturday, 18 March at the Film-Photo-Ton Museum Huttenschloss - Gemünden a.Main
Sunday, 19 March at Capitol Kino- Zeil a. Main
Sunday, 19 March at KuK - Cinema & Pub- Schweinfurt
Sunday, 19 March at Burg-Lichtspiele - Karlstadt
Monday, 20 March at Capitol Kino- Zeil a. Main
Thursday, 23 March at Movie im Luitpoldhaus- Marktheidenfeld
Thursday, 23 March at Filmklubb- Offenbach
Thursday, 23 March at the Schloß-Theatre - Miltenberg
Saturday, 25 March at the Casino Filmtheatre- Aschaffenburg
Sunday, 26 March at Harmonie- Frankfurt a. Main
Let's celebrate free rivers, clean water and freshwater life! More on the programs and locations coming soon at : and
The advance notice of the Main Riverfilmfest can be found under this link: AdvancednoticeFFF23.
Become a river rescue activist:in - WWF Competition
Our rivers are sick! They are dyked, canalised, dammed and diverted - and thus can no longer fulfil their ecological functions.
The alarming condition of the rivers is caused, among other things, by countless barriers that prevent the transport of nutrients and "river construction material" and interrupt the vital migratory movements of many organisms. Many of these blockades are decades old and have long since fallen into disuse. Together with you, we want to remove these unnecessary barriers and allow the rivers to flow freely again.
The competition
With funds from the German Postcode Lottery, we are supporting three deconstructions of transverse structures throughout Germany as part of the "Living Rivers" project in 2023 and 2024. We will provide up to 30,000 euros for each restoration.
How can you access these funds? It's very simple!
All information can be found here:
You can watch the trailer of the competition here:
Lakes Conference 2023
Lakes Conference 2023
Lakes, Wetlands and Natural Climate Protection in the UN Decade of Habitat Restoration
Thursday, 19 January 2023 from 10:00 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Friday, 20 January 2023 from 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
in bUm –Betterplace Umspannwerk, Berlin, Paul-Linke-Ufer 21
We cordially invite you to the Lakes Conference 2023. Too little attention is still paid to lakes, wetlands and their catchments as carbon sinks and biodiversity hotspots. Lakes continue to be overexploited, peatlands drained and wetlands not rewetted as required. With the Lakes Conference 2023, we want to strengthen the focus on these valuable habitats and at the same time broaden the perspective for contributions to natural climate protection in Germany and beyond.
In the first part of the conference, research results on climate change and lakes and the Action Programme Natural Climate Protection will be presented. The second part of the conference will focus on the implementation of practical projects to protect peatlands and lake biodiversity in Germany.
The Lakes Conference is organised by the Living Rivers Foundation in cooperation with the Global Nature Fund, the Living Lakes Network Germany and the GRÜNEN LIGA. On 20 January, the founding event of Wassernetz Berlin will take place at the same location with contributions from the Senate Administration, the Berlin House of Representatives and civil society activists working on water and lakes.
We are very much looking forward to seeing you there.
Discover the draft programme here:
Programme of the Lakes Conference 2023 - 19.01.2023
Programme of the Lakes Conference - 20.01.2023
Official Invitation to the event (in German)
The Wilo Foundation and the Deutschland-Achter are supporters of the Network of Living Lakes in Germany.
The lake conference is funded by the Federal Environment Agency and the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection. The funding is provided by resolution of the German Bundestag. The responsibility for the content of this publication lies with the authors.
Online seminar of the WG Water in the Forum Environment and Development - "Biodiversity Targets in Danger?
Biodiversity goals in danger?
Positioning of the AG-Wasser on hydropower development and river restoration against the background of the biodiversity goals and the climate crisis
on 08.12.2022 14:00 - 17:00 CET
According to the WWF's Living Planet Report, the global population of wild species has declined by 69% since 1970. At 83%, the loss of species in lakes, rivers and wetlands is even more dramatic. Environmental associations, anglers and other organisations have joined forces at the European level to form the Living Rivers Coalition in order to halt this trend and reverse it. With the Green Deal, the Water Framework Directive, the Biodiversity Strategy and the recently proposed Nature Restoration Law, good instruments have been and are being developed at EU level to achieve this goal. At the same time, the expansion of renewable energies is being pushed forward on a large scale. In the course of this, there are increased efforts to streamline the planning requirements for infrastructure projects, in particular also by directly undermining nature and water protection regulations. This, with the intention of counteracting the climate crisis, further exacerbates the European and global biodiversity crisis.
The sustainable use and equitable distribution of water is one of the most pressing problems of our time. At the same time, scarce freshwater resources and their associated ecosystems are being overexploited, polluted and damaged all over the world. Whether water will still be sufficiently available and drinkable in the future, and who will have access to it, depends more than ever on political decisions around water use. To discuss these challenges, we cordially invite you and your colleagues to an online seminar. Details on the programme and registration can be found below.
14:00: Welcome
Jürgen Maier, Forum Environment and Development
14:10: Presentation of the FUE position on hydropower
Thilo Papacek, CounterCurrents
14:40: "Break Free" - Restoring river ecosystems by dismantling transverse structures
Michael Bender, Living Rivers Foundation
15:10: Commentary on the Renewable Energy Directive by WWF
Tobias Schäfer, WWF
15:40: Hydropower in development cooperation
Jutta Himmelsbach, Misereor
16:15 h: Break
16:30: Hydropower to hydrogen? The Inga III Project
Salomé Elolo, Femmes Solidaires
Registration: roth (at)
The event will be held in German with English translation.
You can find the invitation here: Invitation
Movie evening: "Vjosa National Park – a new age of river protection?"
Movie evening: "Vjosa National Park – a new age of river protection?"
Thursday, November 03
7:30pm CET
Paneltalk & Movie Screening
In Albania and all around Europe citizens have raised their voices to protect Europe’s largest wild river—the Vjosa. This year Albania's government listened, and promised to establish a national park to protect the Vjosa forever.
We talk with Besjana Guri from EcoAlbania about the campaign success and the progress towards establishing the Vjosa National Park. Being a member of the national park working group in Albania we are excited to hear directly from her here in Berlin.
For additional impressions Matthias Leupold & Eric Berg present their short movie "In the Name of Vjosa". And Living Rivers Foundation shares insights on river conservation in Germany.
Details TBA
This event will be held in English.
We have limited capacities - please sign up under this link:
Patagonia Berlin
Münzstraße 10
10178 Berlin
European Rivers Summit 2022 - Brussels
Picture credit: Octavian Carare
The 3rd European Rivers Summit, which was held in Brussel from 29 September until 1 October 2022, gave the opportunity to several stakeholders engaged in the fight for river’s protection and restoration to meet and share their experiences, issues and good practices. Speakers from different backgrounds were present, such as activists, biologists, lawyers, athletes etc.
On 29 September, was held the World Premiere of the movie “DamBusters – the start of the Riverlution”, screened in the framework of the Summit. In the movie, directed by Francisco Campos-Lopez Benyunes and produced by Herman Wanningen (World Fish Migration Foundation) among others, Pao Fernandez (WFMF) travelled 5 countries in Europe and met actors of the dam removal movement.
The main topic was the removing of dams, as a lot of EU countries (Member States or not) are threatened by the development of hydropower infrastructures.
By raising our voices together and promoting transboundary cooperation, we want to accelerate the movement for the protection of the freshwater wildlife populations and protect human vulnerable populations.
You can find the program and resources (petitions, websites, etc.) of the different presentations, as well as the pictures and outputs gathered from the Summit here:
Discover more on “DamBusters – The start of the Riverlution” here: